Summer Faces Look Good in Orthodontic Treatment

Summer is approaching this means outside all day, camps, swimming, yummy treats and more. BUT do not forget about your orthodontic appointments.

You may be out of school for the summer, but you’re not out of your orthodontic treatment. It is still very important to make sure you are making your appointments for all adjustments whether you have braces, invisalign, appliances or retainers. 

If you are going on vacation or will be away at camp it is important to let us know. If you will not be able to come in for your next appointment on time we can do adjustments to make sure it will last you until you are available.


With all the delicious treats during the summertime- make sure to stay away from all sticky and gooey foods! The sticky foods can pull your bands or brackets off.  Continue with your oral hygiene by brushing and flossing after every meal and snack. If something breaks while on vacation or at camp you can use wax to help make you comfortable until you are able to come in. Give our office a call so we can let you know what to do.


If you are going on vacation and cannot come back in for your normal 6-week appointment please let us know so we can give you enough trays to last until you can come back.  As you may not have food restrictions, make sure to remember when you do eat to put your trays in a case so you do not lose them or them thrown away.


As you may get distracted during the summer and want to show off your beautiful smile, do not forget to wear your retainer!! Not wearing your retainer as you should can cause your teeth to shift and the retainer will not fit properly. When you do take your retainers out make sure you put them in your case so you do not lose them. 

Have a fun and safe summer!!!


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