Why Wisdom Teeth Need to be Extracted.

Wisdom teeth usually need to be extracted around age 18 to 21. There is a possibility that some people can have all 4 wisdom teeth or just 3 wisdom teeth & etc. It is also possible for some people to never develop wisdom teeth. It is all based on genetics how many wisdom teeth one will have.

Wisdom teeth are just like molars, as they are used for chewing and grinding tough food. In most cases, shifting of teeth will occur if the retainer isn't worn. Some won't wear their retainer due to the pressure of the wisdom teeth erupting.

Wisdom teeth can be seen by looking at the patient's dental films. The best way to look is taking a panoramic film which gives a wide view of the entire mouth. Sometimes the wisdom teeth will be seen laying downward and may be too close to the nerves. In this case, the wisdom can’t be extracted as it could cause nerve damage.

Symptoms of wisdom teeth irritation: 

•swollen gums

•ear ache type pain

•bad breath that doesn’t go away with brushing

•severe pain when chewing with molars

There is a chance the dentist may have to prescribe antibiotics before the extraction is performed to treat any infections. If there is an infection while getting wisdom teeth removed and it is not treated beforehand, there is a chance the infection could spread throughout the entire body.

Some dentists may suggest still having wisdom teeth extracted. The teeth may cause dental issues later. Wisdom teeth are prone to cavities because due to sitting so far back it may be hard to brush and floss that area.

After the wisdom teeth are removed, it may take about 3-4 days for the mouth to heal. There are some food and other restrictions the oral surgeon will go over prior to the patient leaving the extraction appointment.

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