Why is Memorial Day Important?

Memorial Day is a national holiday in the United States that is observed on the last Monday of May. It is an important day because it honors & remembers the service men & women who have died while serving in the U.S military.

Originally called Decoration Day, Memorial Day originated in the years following the Civil War & became an official federal holiday in 1971. The holiday is marked by many traditions, including parades, firework displays, memorial services & the flying of the American flag at half-mast.

Observing Memorial Day is a way to pay tribute to the brave men & women who served in the arm forces & made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. It is also a time to remember the families & loved ones of those who died in service to our country & to honor their ultimate sacrifices.

Memorial Day also marks the unofficial beginning of the summer season in the United States. Many people celebrate the holiday by spending time with family & friends, attending barbecues & enjoying the outdoors. Memorial Day is an important day in American history because it allows us to remember & honor those who sacrificed their lives to defend the values & freedom we enjoy.

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