Stainless Steel Wires vs Nickel- Titanium Wires

During orthodontic treatment the orthodontist will use either stainless steel or niti wires. The wires which are used during orthodontic treatment play a serious role in correcting & aligning the teeth. These wires also play a part in correcting the bite. Orthodontic wires have been used since the 19th century. The father of orthodontics, Dr. Edward Angle, experimented with them.

The use of stainless steel wires began in 1929 & have been a popular choice due to its heavy force & resilience. The orthodontist uses this wire when needing to use special bends. Stainless steel wires are not used until a couple visits into treatment due to the heavy force the wire have on the brackets. If a stainless steel wire is used the same day a patient gets their braces-- there is a possibility the heavy force will break the bracket. Stainless steel wires are very durable & help reduce the treatment time. If a patient is constantly breaking brackets the orthodontist will not be able to use stainless steel wire and this will lengthen treatment time.

The use of Nickel-Titanium (Niti) wire began in 1960. Niti wires are great when first starting treatment due to the light force it applies. Niti wires are effective when a patient has excessive crowding. Due to its flexibility, the wire will help move the tooth in alignment. Because niti wires have a "shape memory" this means the wires will always keep shape unless heated.

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